family Flash Fiction Haiku parenting Poems Poetry writing


Whispering tissue

Wonderment strewn on their face

Echoes of childhood

family parenting Poems Poetry

40 under 40

I woke up today and realized that I will never be a 40 under 40.

By 25 I was knee deep in diapers, raising three kids under three.

My ex, by the way, was living with another woman, having left me to lead the fun and fancy free life of a 20 something male who realized at an early age that he can make his own way off the emotional and physical labor of women he’s discarded.

By 30 I was going back to school to finish an undergraduate degree I’d started at 18.

By 35 I was in grad school where the rest of my cohorts were a decade younger, and none with children. That’s where I was told I couldn’t use commas.

By 37 I had two degrees. I also obtained my first job that broke the poverty barrier.

Now, I’m 41 and I’ve just begun to create a retirement account. My kids are grown or almost grown.

I wanted to be a writer, an author of books that will remain after my death, but increasingly time slips away from me.

I wanted to be a professor, a reader, an academic whose job was to think. But my ex stole that from me.

I have achieved so much. I understand this.

But I will never be a 40 under 40. And that is a hard pill for the dreamer within me to swallow.


I can’t swallow pills anyway (true story).

So I guess there’s still time for dreaming.

family parenting Poems Poetry

Gray Matter

What will the memories of this past year be? Perhaps, one of the hardest years of my life.

Will they be filled with the rose colored tinge of nostalgia, like the pain of childbirth that time and contentment erase?

Or will they darken the day, coming in as sharp, stinging nettles in the surprise of their remembrance?

Current Events family Haiku parenting Poems Poetry


There are times in life

When the world spins around you

And though you move slow

Time is relentless

And, despite your best efforts to catch it

Time falls through your fingers like sand

It’s been a minute

Established routines were lost

To time’s onslaught

Yet, the spinning slowed

And suddenly Autumn was in the air.

As summer dwindles,

I can think clearly

Climate family Haiku parenting Poems Poetry

When Spring Came to Fall

A breeze has begun.

Listless still, but cold and crisp

It harbors the fall.

and the end of an old cycle

But, underneath the wind

A budding laugh grows

And she awakens

Like a new spring

family Haiku parenting Poetry


Looking through photos

Brings a honeyed nostalgia

That’s soured with fear

What if I remember

Only the picture? And not

The sweetness of the moment?

Haiku mental health parenting Poems Poetry


Trying to make sense

Of a life in upheaval

Is like trying to

Hear a conversation between ants

You can see them, sure

See that they’re conversating

Their little antennae move

And they hustle forward with purpose

But what they said?

It’s non-sensical.

Problems are like this too

They appear, but don’t make sense

And decisions must be rushed toward

with all the purpose

of an ant on a mission

but none of the understanding.

Education Haiku parenting Poems Poetry


It’s never enough

You can work – or stay at home

You can have game nights

And family dinner

You can take an interest

Or give them some space

But no matter what

To a teenager…

It’s never enough

family Haiku parenting Poems Poetry


How do I begin?

You had to grow up too soon.

You were the strong one

The oldest kiddo

With the most responsibility

As you celebrate this day

I think that the hardest times

Are finally behind

family Haiku parenting Poetry


Sometimes I feel like

I’m a placeholder for others

Because of me

Their world stays in tact.

They’re allowed to grow, and be

While I remain fixed.

Always straggling behind

In the shadow of their success.